Pickelhaube (LP)


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SKU: UMLP01 Category:


Download available on Bandcamp.

“Pickelhaube” is the first solo album of the improvising musician, swede Joel Grip. It was released in a period when he was more or less constantly under way playing concerts internationally. In anycase, the music was surely inspired by squeaking transportation, queuing waiting gnawing minds and the openness in confronting new meetings. This LP-vinyl (and download) is the result of an completely analogue recording and reproduction, and brings to you the very full body of a wooden battle ship of an instrument, the contrabass, and the wondrous breath of a musical mind. 


Joel Grip



Side A

  1. Tore Anderssons Uteblivna Tapto
  2. En Kraftlös Försvarare av en redan Förlorad Sak
  3. Svenska Missilfabrikens Samvete

Side B

  1. Die Neue Hoboisten Musik
  2. Pour Votre Sécurité
  3. The Economic Hit Man


Joel Grip : double bass solo

Recording : Studio de Nille Perned, Stockholm . March 8th 2012
Engineering and mixing : Petter Hölaas
Mastering : Janne Hansson (Atlantis Studio)